

Faktaark om Datalagringsdirektivet

Hva innebærer Datalagringsdirektivet (Europaparlaments- og rådsdirektiv 2006/24/EF av 15. mars 2006, samt endring i europaparlaments- og rådsdirektiv 2002/58/EF) handler om lagring av trafikkdata og lokasjonsdata som framkommer ved bruk av offentlig elektronisk kommunikasjon: (dvs. telefoni, mobiltelefoni og internett)?

Bloggstafett mot Datalagringsdirektivet


Personvern er en grunnleggende verdi i et demokrati. Personvernet innebærer en rett til å være i fred fra andre, men også en rett til å ha kontroll over opplysninger om seg selv, særlig opplysninger som oppleves som personlige. Etter EMK artikkel 8 er personvern ansett som en menneskerettighet. Datalagringsdirektivet er et forsøk på å fjerne denne verdien fra vårt samfunn.

En rekke norske bloggere sier nå fra om hva de mener om Datalagringsdirektivet. Dette er mitt bidrag.

Reflections on the Pirate Bay-GGF-deal


According to a press release (no longer on-line) on the home page of Global Gaming Factory X AB, the company has acquired The Pirate Bay website and brand for SEK 60 million (around US$ 7.8 million) of which half is to be paid in cash and the other half in newly issued shares.

GGF CEO Hans Pandeya says that his plan is to turn the site into legitimate business: "We would like to introduce models which entail that content providers and copyright owners get paid for content that is downloaded via the site."

How useful is WolframAlpha?

According to its creator, Stephen Wolfram, WolframAlpha is a «true computational knowledge engine». As far as I can tell, it is a new and quite ingenious piece of software where unstructured (and not always correct) data from miscellaneous sources are assembled into some sort of metadata-enriched structure and made searchable.

New word: Webciety

Websciety is a so-called portmanteau word merging the two words web and society that was used to promote the 2009 CeBIT. Maybe it should enter the general language to denote the functions and features that makes our lives digital?

Copyright vs. Community

On Monday, February 23rd, from 17:00 to 20:00, Richard Stallman, president of the Free Software Foundation, gave a talk in Storsalen, Chateau Neuf (Slemdalsveien 15) in Oslo. The talk was sponsored by the University of Oslo, and the topic was: "Copyright vs. Community in the Age of Computer Networks - Free software and beyond

Online survival kit

Reporters Without Borders has published a handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents intended for citizen reporters in countries where the mainstream media is censored or under pressure.


This month, the United Kingdom Department of Culture, Media and Sport, and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform jointly released a very interesting report for those of us interested in copyright reform. Titled Digital Britain: Interim Report, it, among other things, says (sec. 3.2):

Electronic media as of 1981

Great video clip (2:17 min), originally broadcast on KRON in 1981, about ongoing experiments at the San Francisco Examiner about delivering an electronic version of the newspaper to subscribers. Featuring genuine 1981 hairstyles, acoustically coupled modems, and of course manual dial-up.