On Monday, February 23rd, from 17:00 to 20:00, Richard Stallman, president of the Free Software Foundation, gave a talk in Storsalen, Chateau Neuf (Slemdalsveien 15) in Oslo. The talk was sponsored by the University of Oslo, and the topic was: "Copyright vs. Community in the Age of Computer Networks - Free software and beyond”.
Here is Stallman's own synopsis:
Copyright, developed in the age of the printing press, was designed to fit with the system of centralized copying imposed by the printing press. But the copyright system does not fit well with computer networks, and only draconian punishments can enforce it.
The global corporations that profit from copyright are lobbying for draconian punishments, and to increase their copyright powers, while suppressing public access to technology. But if we seriously hope to serve the only legitimate purpose of copyright – to promote progress, for the benefit of the public – then we must make changes in the other direction.
As an introduction, Richard Stallman will speak about the goals and philosophy of the Free Software Movement. The GNU operating system which he launched in 1984 is used by millions of users in conjunction with the kernel, Linux.
NUUG taped the event, and has made video of Stallman's talk available.
A full size portion of the photo can be downloaded from Wikipedia, and all my photos from the evening are on Flickr.
Here is a link to Stallman's personal web-site: stallman.org.