
Gisle Hannemyr's blog


Anthony Alicea has put up the first three hours of his 11.5 hour 12 hour javascript course on YouTube. It is worth watching!

If you are looking for a good textbook to learn JavaScript, check out: Douglas Crockford: JavaScript: The Good Parts.

Gamification notes

“Gamification is the use of game design elements in non-game contexts.” (Deterding et al 2011)
“[S]erious games describes the use of complete games for non-entertainment purposes.” (ibid.)

Deterding, S., Khaled, R., Nacke, L. E., & Dixon, D. (2011).
Gamification: Toward a Definition. Paper presented at the CHI 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Gamification is about designing computer systems that do at least one of the following:

Protecting data when going abroad


According to a report prepared by the American Civil Liberties Union, travellers must be aware that laptop and other electronic device can be subject to seizure without a legal warrant when crossing into the USA. The devices seized and searched includes laptops, cell phones, cameras, hard drives, flash drives, and even DVDs. Border officials may copy all data from any device, or even confiscate the device.

Sightings: Reports on my 2003 TIS paper


I like to keep track of online references to my 2003 paper on technology diffusion: The Internet as Hyperbole. This blog entry is simply to record links to the latest mentions of the paper.

The so far latest appearance was an article in the Wall Street Journal in April 2015.

Cheating on consumer surveys

Users with a single face, but multiple names.
“Tony Biskup” alias “Karl Svendsen” tells you how to cheat. Should you trust him.

Gamification makes motorists obey speed limit

The website The Fun Theory has held a competition (The Fun Thory Award) to promote design ideas that use gamification to “change people's behaviour to the better”. One of entries uses gamification to make Swedish motorists obey the speed limit.

Facebook og personvernet

Det er tilsynelatende en tvist mellom Facebook og undertegnede om hvordan Facebook forvalter sine brukeres personverninnstillinger. Min påstand er kort og godt at Facebook hele tiden, og helt vanemessig, gjør små endringer i personvernet som åpner opp for mer eksponering og deling av personopplysninger. Og så må du selv gå inn og tette igjen hullene. Facebook påstår at så ikke er tilfelle. Nettstedet Journalisten.no har forsøkt å opptre som dommer i denne tvisten.

What is the best ebook library manager?


Lately, I've become addicted to ebooks. While I must admit that the typography in some of the Kindle and ePub editions is ghastly compared to the real thing, I've been won over by instant download of new titles on the day they're published, having my entire (ebook) library on various portable devices, the ability to search, and the ease of adding highlights and annotations that automatically update between devices. I also think Amazon's effort to make reading social – “Popular Highlights” – is a great idea, but that the implementation stinks.

Free culture licenses

The nice thing about free culture public licenses is that there are so many of them to choose from. This statement is of course ironic. The really nice things about free culture public licenses is that they make it much more easy to adapt and to build on material, allowing creators to create new cultural works from old, such as remixes and mashups. Incompatible licenses creates cultural silos of incompatibilty. Here is a list of those free culture licenses I am aware of.