Bookmarked sites
- Adams, Douglas : Guide to the Macintosh : Adams 'comparison of Microsoft Word 3.0 with miniWRITER.
- Bruce Schneier : Schneier on security : Bruce Schneier
- Bush, Vannevar : As We May Think : The text that inspired hypertext and the world wide web.
- : : open source WCMS home page.
- Electronic Frontier Foundation : EFF : Campaigning for civil liberties in the online community
- First Monday : First Monday : One of the first peer-reviewed journals on the web.
- Heidi Nordby Lunde : VamPus' Verden : Heidi Nordby Lunde
- MIT Technology Review : Technology Review : MIT's peer reviewed journal about technology.
- Morten Dæhlen : Dærnt's Corner : Morten Dæhlens blogg om forskning og utdanning
- Nather, Ed : The Story of Mel : One of hackerdom's great heroic epics.
- NRKbeta : NRKbeta : NRKs sandkasse for nye medier
- Olav Torvund : Olav Torvund, UiO : Olav Torvund, UiO blogger om sykling og om juss
- Plato : Phædrus : This dialogue is one of my favourites.
- Postmodern Culture : PMC : Online peer-reviewed journal about postmodern culture.
- Stallman, Richard M. : The Gnu Manifesto : The rationale behind the Gnu project.
- Sverre Holm : Sverre Holm, UiO : Sverre Holm blogger om naturvitenskap
- Technorealism : Technorealism : Technorealism historical site