

My EndNote styles, and some of the stand-alone free software I have written, may be downloaded from this page.

For my contributions to Drupal, please see my profile at Drupal.org.

To download: Click on a the hyperlink associated with the resource you are interested in. This takes you to a page with a synopsis of the resource. To start the download click on the hyperlink that appear under the heading “Identifier”. For some file types, you may have to right-click and select “Save target as …” to make this happen.

econ: Econ Counts Officeconversion Neglects. [bash, c, perl, xslt]
Econ automatically checks the results of a conversion between the OOXML and ODF format and gives a rough estimate of the issues (neglects) that has not been handled properly by the converter.
EndNote Styles: Bibliography Styles for Endnote. [endnote]
This archive contains bibliography styles for the journals named The Information Society and NordiCom Review, and more versatile alternative versions of the standard Harvard style.
l2a: LaTeX to ASCII converter. [lex]
The program l2a is a lex-based filter to remove some common LaTeX commands from marked-up documents, leaving only the body of text.
pep: General purpose filter and file cleaning program. [c]
Pep may be used to expand/compress tabs; convert to and from several character sets; to interprete ANSI escape sequences; and to remove unwanted line noise from files.
wsftpcrk: Program to recover WS_FTP passwords. [perl]
If you have lost or forgotten the passwords retained by the popular ftp-client ws_ftp, this simple perl script helps you recover them.